Na lssa gombera; Here is some valid information due to recent
estimations and studies. You are welcome to list your own countries if
you prefer to believe what comes from your head, but if you are a
student or willing to find valid information this will be your first
1. South Africa: South Africa (South Africa has the most powerful
army in Africa; it has more harmful weapons than any other country in
Africa; it is the only African country that was trying to create the
Nuclear weapon but was stopped by the US. The South African National
Defence Force (SANDF) this includes: South African Army, South African
Navy, South African Air Force and South African Military Health Service.
South Africa has recently lower their budge on army from $7.21 billion
2003 to nearly $4 billion 2011. Trained by Israeli, and British, South
African solders are more armed and more trained than any other country's
2. Egypt: According to recent study, Egypt is considered to
be the second most powerful country in Africa. For many years Egypt has
been the first strongest country in the continent of Africa. With number
of troops exceed that of South Africa, and more suppliers from
countries such as United States, Russia, France, China, Italy and United
Kingdom, political instability has made an affect to Egyptian Armed
Forces. This includes Egyptian Army, Egyptian Navy, Egyptian Air Force
and Egyptian Air Defense Command. Egypt has increased their Armed Forces
budget from $3.9 billion to $5.85 billion within the last five years.
3. Libya:
4. Morocco:
5. Nigeria: Nigeria has the second largest army
by number of troops, but due to political instability and lack of
equipment Nigeria has appear to be the 5th strongest country in Africa.
It has been estimated that in year 2013-2018 Nigeria may get weaker.
Tanzania: Tanzania has the most powerful army in East Africa; The
Tanzania Peoples' Defence Force (TPDF) (Swahili: Jeshi la Wananchi wa
Tanzania (JWTZ) the one defeated Idi Amin of Uganda with big help form
Muammar Al-Gaddafi of Libya and . The Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO) The Tanzania People' Defence Force includes Land Forces Command,
Naval Command, Air Force Command, and Military Intelligence. Julius
Kambarage Nyerere (The first Tanzania's President) prepared president
Laurent Desire Kabila of DR Congo to take over the powerful Mobutu Sese
Seko Nkuku Ngbendu WA Zabanga; also prepared his son Joseph Kabila.
Tanzania has trained Congolese solders in Tabora and Kigoma region for
Kabila to return in Congo and take over power. Both Kabilas father and
son were schooled and lived most of their lives in Tanzania before
returning to Congo. Tanzania Also prepared Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who
also schooled and lived in Tanzania before the Tanzania and Uganda war
that resulted in defeating Dictator Idi Amin. Most Uganda leader got
help from Tanzania before becoming leaders. This includes: Tito Lutwa
Okello, Yusuf Kironde Lule, and Bazilio Olara-Okello. Recently, Tanzania
did not want to send his solders in Somalia but offer training to
Somali solders who will soon return to protect their country. Tanzania
sent 924 soldiers to lead the African Union Solders in Comoros's Island
to take Colonel Mohamed Bacar of Anjouan off power. Tanzania has the 3rd
largest army in number troops after Ethiopia, and Eritrea, and recently
considered the second in equipment after Kenya, but with more well
trained troops. The recent estimation shows that Tanzania is the country
in East-Africa followed by Ethiopia.
7. Ethiopia: Ethiopia once was
considered the strongest country in East Africa. After continues civil
war Ethiopia has gotten weaker. Ethiopia is still has the largest army
by number of troops followed by Eritrea and Tanzania, and the 3rd in
equipment after Kenya and Tanzania. 2011 Estimation shows, Ethiopia is
spending 2.4% of its GDP in military. This includes: Ethiopia Army and
Ethiopia Air Force.
8. Ghana:
9. Kenya: Kenya is the second strongest
Nation in East Africa Economically after Ethiopia; it is the first in
East African Community followed by Tanzania and Uganda. In 1981 Kenya
was consider to be the 4th strongest nation in East Africa after
Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Somalia. In 1994 Kenya was considered the 3rd
strongest country in East Africa after Somalia and Uganda having both
economic and political instability caused by war and dictatorship. The
estimation indicates that Kenya will get even stronger within next 5-10
years. Kenya has the higher army budget in East Africa followed by
Ethiopia. 2012 estimation shows Kenya is using 5.3% of its GDP in
military. This includes: Kenya Army, Kenya Navy and Kenya Air Force.
10. Uganda
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